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is ingratitude the worst moral crime? my interpertation of hume's Is/Ought dilema

  “ Of all crimes that human creatures are capable of committing, the most horrid and unnatural is ingratitude , especially when it is committed against parents, and appears in the more flagrant instances of wounds and death. ” (Hume, pg.3, paragraph 10) Why Ingratitude? Out of all the despicable things Humans do, Ingratitude may be something all Huamans are at some point, guilty of. I believe what Hume is implying is that out of all the crimes we are capable of committing, A rational person who is aware of their circumstances would find satisfaction in the circumstances they cannot control. Find gratitude, but maybe ingratitude is so bad because out of all the awful situations you could be forced to endure, you still have what you have. You’d then have to wonder, what exactly about ingratitude upsets others? I think it’s the oblivious nature of ingratitude. When people refuse to accept their circumstances can be frustrating. I agree with Hume in many ways. Hume’s Is/Ought problem is v

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