{journal entries} 2-14-22 to 2-15-22

 Journal entry (2-14-22)

The relationships between the stars and the moon

With some inevitable Magic, She arrives. Your softest cream blanket and your warmest dream. Taking in, Drinking every kind of glitter and gas. She is something descended from the cosmos. You’ve found yourself a place in this galaxy. She’s something you would love to understand. You, like every other, have licked the plate of the universe but only she gets a bite of the bread. She’s your morning steam and your sigh of relief. You and a million others dance in place, you circle around her at every second. She’s your strongest stone of hope, your brightest white star., one that may not be broken easily. You’ve been here for all of time and proudly you blaze. She’s something made of strange witchcraft and off fate, eerie mystery and older glory but only in her presence may you glow the brightest. Crafted by gods above your head. She will be seen. She will be worshiped. 

Journal Entry (2-15-22)

Martin spent the morning hunting in the woods. 

Why won’t you Apologize? My daughter used to play in the woods. Martin went hunting in the woods, My daughter was 4 years old. Martin went hunting in the woods, he said he needed to end the bears once and for all. My daughter played in the woods, she dug holes to bury rotten apples. Martin loaded his gun that morning. My daughter buckled her shoes that morning. Martin went hunting in the woods and came out expressionless. My daughter played in the woods that morning, she never came out. I died that morning after Martin went hunting in the woods that morning. My daughter used to play in the woods, she did for the last time that morning when you went hunting in the woods that morning. The branches hang full of rotten apples, I expect them to fall soon. Are you sorry? Just Apologize, Martin. My daughter used to play in the woods, and now she never will. I hate you so much, Martin. She was ours but only mine. Just Apologize.Why won't you Apologize? Oh god, I just want you to apologize.


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