{"white is a woman"- assertive perspective poetry practice}

 POV journal entry:

Your friend is blind (since birth) so I describe what white looks like

White is a woman usually worn by Brides on their wedding day,

 the flowers. 

She's a clean sheet waiting to be decorated,

 darkened and sometimes destroyed. 

Anything wrong would have stained her dress,

 mistakes, lies and blame. 

White is a lonely colorShe has no friends. 

A recipe made without a single ingredient,

 a routine without a step.

 Some may even say she's not a color at all. 

You’d feel sorry for her. 

White is  a virgin and she can usually be found

 hidden in the light of the Morning window view. 

She admires the Hues of scenery, 

the rebellious pigments, on land and sea. 

She's not really jealous, just transfixed on what it's like. 

She only wants what she can't have. 

You don't know Black, she's invisible even for you. 

But you would know Black, the king’s son. 

Unlike white, Black is dense with feeling,

 a stormy Cloud, a creepy night, he's a closed-casket funeral,

 and does his deepest thinking in private.

 In every fancy party oh, he stares at White,

 seeing the purest Beauty he's ever known. 

He told himself he can't have her,

He would spoil that overwhelming glow she shines with. 

A vulnerable Beacon of Innocence. 

she'll be the angel to capture every beginning

 while he'll be the bad guy that slash has an end. 

to admire each other but they stay far apart. 

White is always worn by Brides on their wedding day because 

it's a chime of Reckless harm and act of Revelation and surrender. 

White will forever be the opposite of black.

 Nothing can stop them from the comparison.

 Yin and Yang. 

silky and feminine white is a woman.


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